According to our statutes, “legal persons” can become full members of the Association of Austrian Community Broadcasters, “whose primary purpose is the organisation of a self-determined and self-organised - in terms of organisation and programming - non-commercial, terrestrially broadcast community radio program ”. “Legal persons whose primary purpose is the temporary organisation of a self-determined and self-organised - in terms of organisation and programming - non-commercial community broadcasting program (event broadcasting) or a program for educational purposes, or one which is currently still in progress in order to realise one of the aforementioned purposes” may apply for associate membership.
Fundamental is that we remain a community medium that in principle offers every member of our society the opportunity to get on the air. You can find out more about our principles and guidelines in the Charter of Austrian Community Broadcasters.
We are licensed as a private broadcaster under the KommAustria Act and the AMD-G broadcasting law.